Monday, 12 August 2013

PowerPoint Presentation Number One  
  1. Getting Started with PowerPoint 2. The PowerPoint Software
3. Your First PowerPoint Presentation
4. Insert a New Slide into PowerPoint
5. Change the Title of a PowerPoint Slide
6. PowerPoint Bullets
7. Add an Image to a PowerPoint Slide
8. Add a Textbox to a PowerPoint slide
9. The Slide Show Footer in PowerPoint
10. Add Notes to a PowerPoint Presentation
11. Complete your First PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation Number Two
  1. Presentation Two - Downloads 2. Set up a Master Slide in PowerPoint
3. Format a PowerPoint Master Slide
4. Plan your PowerPoint Presentations
5. Bulleted Lists in PowerPoint
6. Bullet Animation - PowerPoint 2000
7. Bullet Animation - PowerPoint 2003
8. Adding the Animated GIF images
9. How to Resize an Image in PowerPoint
10. Slide Transitions in PowerPoint
11. The PowerPoint Pen Tool
PowerPoint Presentation Number Three
Charts 1. Presentation Three - Introduction
2. The First Slide in the Presentation
3. 3D Bar Graphs in PowerPoint
4. Working with the PowerPoint Datasheet
5. Format a PowerPoint Chart Axis
6. Format the Bars of a Chart
7. Format Series Legend
8. PowerPoint Pie Charts
9. Pie Chart Segments
10. 2D Bar Charts in PowerPoint
11. Format the 2D Chart
12. Format a Chart Background
Flow Charts
1. Create a Flow Chart in PowerPoint
2. Add an Arrow to a Slide
3. Group and Ungroup Shapes
4. Text and Shape Objects
5. Custom Animation - PowerPoint 2000
6. Custom Animation - PowerPoint 2003
7. PowerPoint Exercises
1. PowerPoint Tables
2. Format the Table Data
3. Table Backgrounds
4. Format a Table Border in PowerPoint
5. The Final Slide
6. Sorting PowerPoint Slides
Design Templates
  1. Create a PowerPoint Design Template 2. Format a Design Template Master Slide
3. Add a Title Slide to a Design Template
Action Buttons
  1. PowerPoint Action Buttons 2. Resize and Move an Action Button
3. Use a Hyperlink to Display a Web Page
4. Add a Quit Button to a Slide
5. Forcing people to click your buttons
  1. Excel Charts and PowerPoint 2. Excel Worksheets, Charts and PowerPoint
3. Add Video to your Presentations
4. Add Sounds to your PowerPoint Presentations
5. PowerPoint and Presentation Tips

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